Miscellaneous questionsΒΆ

  1. When should I use de novo assembly, and when should I use reference-guided (ab initio) assembly?

    This is always a judgement call, and you can always try both (although there aren’t good methods for comparing the results).

    The short version is that if you have no nearby genomic sequence, you must use de novo assembly; if you have an incomplete genomic sequence you may want to use de novo assembly; and if you have a great genomic sequence, you shouldn’t use de novo assembly.

    The positives of using de novo assembly are that you do not depend in any way on the reference. So, if the reference genome is missing, incomplete, or incorrect, you will not have biased results from doing it.

    The negatives are that you will get many more isoforms from de novo transcriptome assembly than you will from reference-based transcriptome assembly, and the process is probably a bit more computationally intensive (and certainly more subject to problems from bad data).

  2. What are “transcript families”?

    Transcript families and components are computational terms for “transcripts that may share exons”. The biological analogy to use is splice isoforms - but keep in mind that the computer can’t necessarily tell the difference between transcripts that are “real” splice variants, noisy splicing, different allelic variants of transcripts, recent paralogs, etc. etc. - all the computer knows is that the transcripts share some amount of sequence.

    So, transcript families are Trinity’s best guess at transcripts that come from the same locus.

  3. What should we look at in FastQC results for RNAseq data?

    The main thing to pay attention to is the first graph, of quality scores vs position. If your average quality takes a big dip at a particular position, you might consider trimming at that position.

  4. How do we transfer our data to Amazon (or any remote computer)?

    There are two options –

    If your data is on your local computer, you can use Cyberduck to transfer the data to Amazon. (see Tips and Tricks for working with Remote Computers).

    If the data is on a remote computer (like your sequencing center) you can probably use ‘curl’ or ‘wget’ to copy the data directly from the sequencing center to your Amazon computer. You should ask them what the full URL (with username and password) is to each of your data sets, or find your local computer expert to help out.

  5. How do we use Amazon to run full analyses?

    See Tips and Tricks for working with Remote Computers, “Running full analyses”.

  6. Can we use XSEDE or iPlant or <insert other platform here> to run these analyses?

    Yes, but you should omit all of the ‘apt-get’ and ‘pip install’ instructions - the sysadmins on those computers will need to install these programs for you.

  7. How do we know if our reference transcriptome is “good enough”?

    See remapping.

  8. How do I choose the set of tools to use?

    Our recommendations, in order:

    1. Find a tool that a nearby lab is using, and start there.
    2. Look at tools and workflows that are used in published papers by groups working in your area.
    3. Look for good tutorials online.

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